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The process of advanced regionalization aims to decentralize authority as the Law 111-14 allocates more administrative and financial independence to regions.

Today, it is the President of the region who has complete authority to decide in the affairs of the region as permitted by applicable laws and regulations. He is therefore considered as the " authorising officer" instead of the Wali . Therefore, it is the principle of self-management, stipulated by democratic deliberations, that governs the management of regions. Each Regional Council is considered as a reference guideline for all matters related to spatial planning and regional economic and social development.

Overall, and taking into account the law 111-14 related to the management of the regions, the Regional Council has three main functions, namely "Exclusive", "Shared", and "transferable".

I- Exclusive functions :

The Regional Council exercises its own competences related to regional development and planning. This applies to the economic and cultural development, the promotion of employment and vocational and continuous training, rural development, transport, protection of the environment and international cooperation. Moreover, the Regional Council has the responsibility to implement, monitor and execute, under the supervision of its President, the Regional Development Program (RDP) and the Regional Territory Planning Scheme (RTPS) as established in agreement with the general policy guidelines for spatial planning at the national level and in accordance with other local authorities and public administrations as well as the representatives of the private sector involved.
2. Regional Development :

The Regional council’s exclusive functions in regional development involve economic development, rural development, culture, environment and international cooperation.
Economic development:
  • Supporting Businesses;
  • Establishing economic activity zones in the region;
  • Developing tourism routes and trails;
  • Promoting regional wholesale markets;
  • Creating craft activity zones and complexes;
  • Furthering investment;
  • Enhancing social economy and regional local products...
Vocational Training, Continuous Training and Employment:
  • Establishing regional training centers and regional centers for employment and skill development for professional integration;
  • Providing continuous training for members of the council and staff of territorial communities;
Rural development:
  • Developing non-agricultural activities in rural areas;
  • Improving unpaved roads...
Transport :
  • Designing the Transport Plan within the regional territorial division;
  • Organizing non-urban road transport services between the territorial communities of the region.
Culture :
  • Preserving and promoting archaeological sites;
  • Organizing cultural and entertainment festivals...
Environment :
  • Developing and managing regional parks;
  • Devising a regional strategy for water and energy saving;
  • Supporting and promoting renewable energy initiatives...
International cooperation:
  • A region may conclude partnership agreements with foreign partners within the framework of international cooperation with the possibility of obtaining funding and support. These endeavours may only be carried out with the approval of public authorities and in compliance with the regulations in force.
  • Partnership agreements may not be concluded between a foreign state and a region, group of regions or group of territorial communities.
2. Regional development :
The Regional Council implements the Regional Spatial Planning Scheme (RSPS) under the supervision of its President. This scheme is set in conformity with the general policy guidelines for spatial planning at the national level and in accordance with other local authorities and public administrations, as well as the representatives of the private sector involved.

The Regional Spatial Planning Scheme is a reference document for the territory of the region in its entirety. It is particularly aimed to ensure coordination between the State and the Region with a consistent strategic and prospective vision that permits the determination of the orientations and choices of the regional development. It also defines a general framework for sustainable regional development that is adapted to both urban and rural areas. As well as that, it determines the choice of equipment and the main public infrastructures at the level of the region and identifies the areas for regional projects and sets up procedures for their valorization.

Owing to the importance of the Regional Territory Planning Scheme, administrations, territorial communities, public institutions and regional public companies must take into consideration its orientations and objectives in the fulfillment of their sectoral programs.

II- Shared functions:

The region serves its functions as shared competences with the state on a contractual basis whether the initiative comes from the state or is made at the request of the region. These shared competences involve areas of economic, social, cultural and rural development, the protection of the environment and the promotion of tourism.

Economic development:
  • Improving attractiveness and territorial competitiveness;
  • Promoting employment;
  • Implementing transfer of applied scientific research...
Rural development:
  • Upgrading rural communities;
  • Developing mountain areas;
  • Growing oasis areas;
  • Creating agricultural poles (Agropole);
  • Improving access to drinking water and rural.
Social development:
  • Facilitating social reintegration;
  • Providing welfare and security;
  • Rehabilitating old cities and historic areas;
  • Developing social housing;
  • Promoting sports and recreational activities.
Environment :
  • Protecting against flooding;
  • Preserving natural resources and biodiversity;
  • Fighting against pollution and desertification;
  • Conserving protected natural reserves;
  • Protecting the national forest heritage;
  • Preserving water resources.
Culture :
  • Valorizing regional cultural heritage and local culture;
  • Restoring monuments;
  • Creating cultural institutions.
Tourism :
  • Promoting regional tourism.

III- Transferable functions:

The areas related to the allocations transferred by the State are established on the basis of the principles of progressivity and differentiation between regions. They include in particular the following areas:

Regional Equipment and Infrastructure:
  • Industry;
  • Health;
  • Trade;
  • Education;
  • Culture;
  • Sports;
  • Energy, water and environment.
